Things to Consider When Building a Pool

Finally ready to bring your dreams of owning a pool to life? Having a pool is a great way to add more to your home and your life. A pool provides entertainment, a workout, and much more.

However, building a pool isn't all fun and games. Before you break ground on this great idea for your home, there are a few things you need to consider in preparation.

Pool Type 

Pools come in a big variety of shapes, sizes, even colors. There is a big difference between how to build a small pool and building a lap pool. These are things you want to factor in when planning on building a pool. 

Think about what you want to use the pool for and how big of a space you have available. The steps of building a pool differ depending on the structure you want. A hot tub and a swimming pool require as many different things as they offer.

Budget Budget Budget

One of the biggest factors to think about and know before building is how much you're willing and able to spend on a pool. The cost of a pool can vary depending on the size and type, but generally, pools aren't cheap. There are also additional costs that come with ownership.

Will you hire someone to clean it for you and do maintenance if something breaks? You have to be honest with yourself here. Will you dedicate an hour or two a week to take care of your pool? This is a good time to contact someone to get a price on pool service. Do you live somewhere with multiple seasons so the pool will need to be drained and refilled each year?  

Long Term

When you own a pool you also have to take care of it. There is a lot of upkeep involved and being aware of what that entails can help you better prepare. Are you planning to do all the upkeep yourself? How will you sanitize the pool? Saltwater pools are a great option if you know the limitations, cost, and added upkeep. There are a few options and each has it’s upside and downside.

Will a pool raise the value of your property? Pools are expensive, so you want to make sure you think about how much you will use it and if, in the future, you will move away and sell the house with the pool.

Do you live somewhere that makes sense to own a pool because you can enjoy it often enough? There are future factors with a pool that you may not think of right away. This even includes the question of how long to build a pool. 

Building A Pool  

Everyone loves a pool party, and being the owner of a pool is a great spot to be in. However, actually building a pool involves more than just the fun of swimming and splashing around when it's done. Once you've worked out the logistics, you also have to hire the right contractor for the job.

Building a pool takes work and planning, but the reward is worth it. Make sure you don't rush into the process and you're pool will come out just as you want it. And if you found this helpful in working through the details, check us out for more good information on pools.

Here are a few more things to think about in the planning process:

  • How to sanitize (traditional tabs with a floater, a chlorinator tower, salt system, UV, AOP, automated liquid chlorine feeder…).

  • Do you want in-floor cleaners or a vacuum port?

  • What brand of equipment (Pentair, Hayward, Jandy…). Many builders have a deal with one manufacturer.

  • What level of automation do you want?

  • Who is going to handle the startup process?

If you have any questions about anything and would like feedback from someone who actually services pools contact a pool service professional. We always make time for these kinds of questions whether you’re a customer or not. We pride ourselves on our customer service and it’s the reason why we have so many 5 star reviews. :)


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