Can the Coronavirus Spread Through Pools and Hot Tubs?

In these times of uncertainty and fear surrounding COVID-19, swimming pools and hot tubs can provide necessary relaxation and enjoyment.   But many are wondering if their pools and hot tubs can spread the virus.   The answer is, if the pool is properly sanitized with chlorine or bromine, NO!

Taken directly from the Center for Disease Control website:

There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools, hot tubs or spas, or water playgrounds. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools, hot tubs or spas, and water playgrounds should inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

So, to allay concerns, the pool and hot tub can still be enjoyed!

As long as they are regularly maintained by a professional who uses the precise level of chlorine  (between 1 part per million (ppm) and 3 ppm, with 3 ppm being ideal) or bromine (between 3 ppm and 5 ppm, with 5 ppm being ideal), your are safe to use.

Does this mean a person who has the virus can use the pool and hot tub?

No.   First, it is important to remember that, while the chlorine or bromine will stop the spread in the water, it cannot cure anyone who is already sick.  

Also, the virus affects respiration.   Holding one's breath for swimming already puts pressure on the lungs, and soaking in a hot tub is never advisable for anyone who is having respiratory issues.  A person should always use caution, at any time of year, if they have a fever or dry cough or shortness of breath.

Furthermore, the surrounding areas and equipment, including the top part of the ladder (which is not in the water), the lounge chairs, table surfaces, et cetera, are not protected by virus-killing chlorine or bromine, and must be sanitized with strong disinfectants as one would sanitize other surfaces.   Use good judgement and caution.

But if you are wondering if you can enjoy your pool and hot tub now?   The answer is, as long as the pool is properly maintained with appropriate levels of virus-killing chlorine and bromine, an emphatic YES.

These chemicals, frequently and regularly applied by a professional, will eradicate the virus.   

So please, continue to use your pool and hot tub for the relaxation and family fun for which they are intended!

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